Austin Strange | 郝思诚

I am an associate professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong. At HKU I research and teach international relations, international development, and Chinese foreign policy. 

My research examines historical and contemporary Chinese foreign policies. Recently I published Chinese Global Infrastructure and, with co-authors, Banking on Beijing. Some of my ongoing work analyzes the domestic and international politics of major infrastructure projects in Chinese history.

In 2022, I received HKU's Early Career Teaching Award.

In addition, I am a Public Intellectuals Program Fellow with the National Committee on US-China Relations. Previously I earned a Ph.D.  in Government from Harvard University and before that I studied at Zhejiang University (M.A.) and William & Mary (B.A.).


 我的研究主要探討中國歷史和現代的外交政策。最近,我在劍橋出版社發表了《Chinese Global Infrastructure》一書,並與合著者共同發表了《Banking on Beijing》一書。我目前正在進行的研究包含分析中國歷史上重大基礎設施項目的國內和國際政治影響。 

